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Spider bites are a real concern for parents of young children and families that keep pets.
Venomous spiders, in general, will typically not bite you unless they feel threatened or provoked. Most spider bites are not considered to be harmful to humans.
Very few spider bites result in victims requiring urgent medical attention or treatment. However, North America does have a couple of spiders that can cause some real harm to animals and humans if bitten. For those living in the western half of the United States, such as California, Arizona and Nevada, there is a slightly higher likelihood of running into arachnids that can produce a bite that might pose a health risk. The warmer, drier, weather is key to these spiders surviving and Western Exterminator spider experts can help you deal with these spiders around your property. Contact a Western Exterminator spider control specialist to avoid bites and spider problems.
Most spider bites have little in the way any kind of sign. They are very rarely painful or felt at the time of the bite, since the majority of species of spider in the U.S. have fangs that are too small to really feel them.
Most spider bites, if they do appear as anything, will resemble two tiny holes or maybe bumps. Sometimes they will appear as a single red bump. It depends on the species of spider as different species have different venom toxicity and the size of their fangs. Some species have high toxicity and that can cause the bite to spread or to become necrotic.
Most spider bites will have little effect on people but some species can cause a reaction due to the venom injected. Spiders are not seeking humans to bite because they prefer to save their bites, and venom, to capture and incapacitate food. Humans are not on any spider's menu, so sometimes spiders will even provide "dry" bites that will be painful to deter further involvement, but not inject venom, leading to non-poisonous spider bites.
There is no definitive list of spider bite symptoms and it can vary from spider to spider and the tolerance level of the person bitten. Most spider bites go unnoticed and cause no more than a mild reaction in people like inflammation of the skin, minor swelling and itching. Some spider bites however can lead to lots of pain, gangrene and even necrotic wounds.
The general treatment for spider bites is to leave them alone. Most of the time, there is little more than a slightly raised bump or bite marks on the skin. Most spiders do not inject venom in people and their fangs are quite small.
Washing the wound to ensure that there is no infection is important. You can bandage the wound, but keeping it clean is important. If the wound itches, anti-itching ointments and treatments found at most pharmacies can help.
If you experience an allergic reaction or the spider bite appears to be growing or causing rotting flesh, then seek medical attention. If you have any reactions to the bite such as fever, vomiting or other medical symptoms, contact a doctor and seek medical attention immediately. Spider bites in sensitive parts of the body, such as spider bites on the face, should be taken seriously and medical treatments sought.
Read more facts about the bites of the Black widow and Brown recluse spider:
Adult Black Widow spiders are not naturally aggressive towards people.
They only bite when crushed, handled or disturbed. Both sexes are venomous.
Although not proven, it is suggested that the bite of adult hobo spiders can have similar effects of brown recluse spider bites.
Like many other spiders, wolf spiders are not naturally aggressive toward humans. They will bite when they feel threatened or are trapped near the skin.
Generally speaking the best way to avoid spider bites is by removing spiders from your home or business and keeping them away. Western Exterminator spider control and prevention experts can provide reliable, local, spider control services to get rid of spiders in the home and prevent them from returning.
If you have spotted signs of spiders in your home or business and want to avoid being bitten, we can offer professional treatments for complete removal of your problem.
Call Western Exterminator today at 800-937-8398 to discuss our spider control treatments. You can also use our online contact form to set up an appointment with one of our licensed and highly trained spider control experts.