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Signs you might have a spider problem

Is your smoke alarm going off even though there’s no smoke or fire to trigger it? If you open the smoke detector (or have someone else do it), you might find the culprit: spiders! This unusual occurrence is happening around the country, and sometimes at the most inconvenience times of the night. Oregon and Washington spider control experts share that the light within smoke detectors may attract spiders. When a spider crawls over the ionization sensor, the alarm thinks it senses smoke and sounds the alarm. A buildup of dirt may also trigger an alarm.


Preventing false spider alarms

  • Occasionally use compressed air to clean the crevices in the smoke detector. This will clean out any dirt inside the unit. If there’s a spider web or nest inside, the air will clear it out, too. Disturbing a spider’s home will make it move out.
  • If you found spiders within the smoke alarm, use an attachment to vacuum them out. Then use compressed air to blow out excess dirt and lingering webs.
  • When inspecting a smoke alarm, consider its age. If it’s 10 years old or older, it’s time for a replacement.

Oregon and Washington spider control tips

  • Use a vacuum to suck up spider webs, spiders and egg sacs. Spiders hate it when you disturb their home.
  • Keep your landscaping manicured, mowed, weeded and debris-free.
  • Use screens on all windows, doors and chimney vents.
  • Eliminate their food source. If you have spiders in your home, other pests may be the source of attraction. Controlling the pests will encourage spiders to move elsewhere.
  • Repel them with essential oils. Mix a few drops of essential peppermint, orange or lemon oil in a spray bottle filled with water. Spray the solution wherever you see spiders, as well as around doorways and other spider entrances. A solution of water and white vinegar work well, too.

If you seem to have a spider population in your home that you can’t control or think that a spider you see may be dangerous, contact the Washington and Oregon spider control experts at Western. A technician will conduct a free inspection and identify the spiders in question. Set up your appointment today.

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