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How to remove wasp nests from your yard

When determining how to get of a wasp nest on your property, it is important to understand that safety is the number one priority. Relying on professional expertise, professional safety equipment, and proven wasp control methods is the best way to remove a wasp nest without getting stung or causing property damage.

DIY wasp nest removal is not recommended. The average homeowner is unaware of the steps and precautions one must take to remove a wasp nest making the amount of risk associated with it extremely high. If you find a wasp's nest do not take any chances. Trying to knock down the nest or using other methods can backfire and can cause wasps to go on the attack.

At Western Exterminator, we know how to find nests and use the right safety equipment and treatments. We also seal up any entry points that have allowed wasps into your property and help you prevent their return. Leave wasp control to the professionals at Western Exterminator.

If you are beginning to notice wasps around your home or business and think a nest is nearby, call us at 800-937-8398 or contact us online to get rid of a wasp nest today!


How NOT to remove a wasp nest

There are many sources online advising on the best DIY methods to remove a wasp nest. Wasps are aggressive creatures and require little to no aggravation to attack, so trying to remove a wasp nest yourself can cost you both financially and physically. DIY wasp nest removal is not advised!

1. Burning a wasp nest

Using fire to remove a wasp nest is a very dangerous task and is not a successful way to eradicate the wasps. Wasp nests are made from a thin papery substance produced by chewing wood into a pulp, making it extremely flammable. Because of this, burning a wasp nest can often lead to not only your property catching fire, but also you suffering painful burns.

Another problem with burning a wasp nest is that it is not an effective way to control a wasp problem. This is because it doesn’t kill all the wasps. It can lead to the remaining wasps in the nest becoming violent, as well as the wasps out foraging for food, resulting in them attacking you and any bystanders.

2. Water

Using water is often regarded as another way to get rid of a wasp nest. The truth is that flooding a wasp nest isn’t an effective method at all. Depending on the location of the nest, using water to remove a wasp nest can result in further damages to your property. For example, if the wasp nest is in your attic, trying to remove the nest by flooding it could cause water damage to your attic beams and ceiling plaster boards.

Trying to flood a nest won’t get rid of all the wasps inhabiting the hive either. Similar to the effects of trying to burn a wasp nest, the wasps will become vicious and begin to attack, leaving you with a handful of painful stings.

3. Destroying a wasp nest with a baseball bat

Destroying a wasp nest with a bat, racket, or any other item is another talked about removal option. Trying to remove a wasp nest by destroying it with a baseball bat will put you at direct risk of getting stung, not only once but multiple times. This can be particularly dangerous if you are allergic to wasp stings as you could go into anaphylactic shock.

This method of DIY wasp nest removal puts you in close proximity to the hive, which is often enough to aggravate them to trigger an attack. Trying to remove a wasp nest using a baseball bat can often result in you being stung before the task has started.

Getting rid of wasps the right way

The best way to remove a wasp nest is contacting a pest control professional. A pest control expert is professionally, but a pest control expert is professionally trained to handle and remove wasp nests in a safe and efficient manner, and here's why:

  • Safety equipment: A Technician has access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protective equipment (RPE). This fully protects them from wasp stings, ensuring their safety when removing a wasp nest
  • Working in small spaces: Pest Technicians are trained and qualified to work in small spaces such as your attic. This allows them to successfully remove a wasp nest safely from a property.
  • Expert knowledge: A pest control professional has expert knowledge on wasps; they know all about their behavior and instincts as well as how to identify the signs of an allergic reaction to wasp stings.
  • Professional products: Wasp Technicians have access to, and are professionally trained to use a variety of pest control products not available to the public. These products are more powerful than any DIY products on the market and have a proven track record of successfully removing wasp nests.

It is important to note, that if the wasp nest is in a hard to reach place such as underneath your gutters, or up high in a tree, you should NOT try and remove the nest yourself as this could lead to severe injuries. Additionally, you should NOT attempt DIY wasp nest removal, if you are, or think you might be, allergic to wasp stings!

How to remove a wasp nest

  1. Approach the nest slowly and quietly at night time;
  2. Take a garbage bag and slowly cover the wasp nest;
  3. Detach the wasp nest from the tree or wall it is attached to and seal the bag;
  4. Place the garbage bag in an outside garbage can that has a tightly fitted lid, preferable away from the house.

If possible, it’s a good idea to have a full can of pest control product handy to spray on the nest before removing it.

Again, it's important to note that no matter the size of the nest, we recommend calling professionals to avoid getting stung and potentially causing home damage.

How to prevent wasp nests

Following the steps below can help prevent wasps from building their nest in your home and/or garden:

  • Carry out regular maintenance to ensure all cracks and potential entry points are sealed
  • Install fly screens on windows and doors to prevent wasps from entering your home
  • Place wasp traps around your garden. These can be purchased from your local hardware store or online. Alternatively, you can make one yourself using an empty bottle, water, and sugar.

Found a wasp nest in your home or garden and need help removing it? Get in touch with Western Exterminator today.

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