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If you live in Tucson, you probably know scorpions are prevalent and you may have even developed a fear of them. After all, these arachnids can look pretty scary and carry a potentially mean sting! In the Tucson area, scorpions are most active during monsoon season, which lasts from July until September. This is a period of high insect activity (insects are a scorpion food source). Still, scorpions are typically active from late March until early November, so you should stay alert for them even when it’s not raining.
As much as you probably try to avoid scorpions, you may still encounter them because the climate of Tucson is a good fit for the types found in the area. Scorpion stings can, in some cases, carry with them serious health risks, so contact a pest control company for help if scorpions are infesting your property. Western Exterminator offers solutions that can get rid of these pests and prevent them from coming back. Call us at 800-937-8398 or reach out to us online to find out more about our services.
Educating yourself about Arizona scorpions is essential if you wish to steer clear of issues at your home or business. Here, we’ll teach you what you need to know about these critters so you can stay alert.
You may have a general idea of what a scorpion looks like, but it’s time to learn about scorpion species which may find their way your premises in Tucson. Watch out for the arachnids below:
Arizona bark scorpion - These creatures can be longer than 2 inches in length. Tan in color with a thin tail, the Arizona bark scorpion is active at night and is typically spotted during this time. This critter is often located beneath logs and rocks but it is also a common scorpion found inside. The Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most venomous scorpion in North America.
Striped-tailed scorpion - This kind of scorpion is less than 3 inches long and yellow-brown in color. Striped-tailed scorpions are plentiful outside and like hiding under rocks, but may enter your home or business too - particularly if a gap is present under a door.
The Arizona bark scorpion is one pest you should not overlook. This creature can be found in Tucson as well as other desert cities in Arizona, and it is certainly venomous. Its sting has the ability to produce symptoms as serious as difficulty breathing, muscle twitches, rapid head and neck movements, drooling, sweating, nausea and vomiting. Those with allergies to insect stings run the risk of anaphylactic shock and should seek medical attention.
Arizona bark scorpions favor rocky places. They are good at climbing but you may encounter them inside your home, which is why it’s important to take care of an infestation right away and avoid a painful sting.
Tucson residents should indeed be wary of Arizona bark scorpion stings. Although most people who are stung simply experience a good deal of pain, babies and elderly individuals could deal with complications and should get medical help as soon as possible. Arizona bark scorpion stings do have the potential to be fatal for those with sensitivities or allergies to stings.
If you are stung by any type of scorpion, keep tabs on how you are reacting. Get medical attention if you have trouble breathing or experience alarming or strange symptoms.
It’s unlikely that you will run across scorpions inside your Tucson home or business, but it could still occur. That’s when you want to get in touch with a pest control professional who understands scorpion behavior and can help you get rid of them. Western Exterminator is your local pest control expert and can provide services to find out why scorpions are getting inside your home and offer solutions to get rid of them and prevent them from returning.
We can provide exterior treatments to alleviate the infestation, and if it's particularly bad, we can also treat inside. Western also offers a home seal that may involve sealing cracks, crevices and holes to keep scorpions from getting inside.
Do not underestimate how much simple prevention measures can help. But if scorpions pop up and do not disappear, reach out to Western. Western Exterminator pest specialists are scorpion control experts who will address the issue and ensure the problem is resolved!