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Ask the Bug Doc: Is this a spider bite?

Q. I have a bug bite that I can’t identify. Could it be a spider bite?

A. Poor, maligned spiders. They get blamed for a lot of bites that really aren’t their fault. The likelihood that you have a dangerous spider bite is relatively slim.

The truth of the matter is, ALL spiders have fangs, and all spiders have venom in their fangs. But, most don’t have venom that is toxic to us. And only some spiders actually bite. In fact, there is some very telling research that shows that the majority of conditions diagnosed as “spider bites” are actually not attributable to spiders.

There are only two species of spiders in North America of medical importance (a fancy way of saying their venom is toxic to most humans): the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider. Although black widow spiders are found throughout the U.S., they are most prominent in the Southern and Western states. Brown recluse spiders are only found in the Midwest and Southern U.S. states.

Spider on web

So, the likelihood that you have a dangerous spider bite is relatively slim. However, spider bites do happen, so you should always have a plan of action.

  • If you know you’ve been bitten by a spider, try to save the spider. It’s hard to do, but try not to crush it. This will help your doctor identify the species and determine whether or not the venom could be toxic. Take the specimen with you when you visit your doctor.
  • If you’re unsure if you were bitten by a spider, let your symptoms guide you. If the wound area seems to be growing, be unusually red, hot to the touch, or is accompanied by a fever and/or joint pain, contact your doctor immediately and let them know you think you’ve been bitten by a spider.

The best advice I can give? Take steps to avoid spider bites. Here are a few tips:

  • Wear gloves when working in areas that spiders may be present: sheds, garages and basements; cabins that have been closed for sometime, gardening, outdoor rock piles, etc.
  • Believe it or not, gardening gloves can be a favorite hiding spot for spiders, especially if you tend to store them in a garage or basement. Shake out gloves before putting them on.
  • Shoes are a favorite hangout of spiders. Shake out your shoes before putting them on, especially those that are kept outside or have been in the back of your closet for a while.

Of course, if there are too many spiders around your home or property, the experts at Western Exterminator can help get rid of an infestation and offer ways to prevent a return. Contact us today!

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