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Although most people like birds, the fact is that certain species of bird can make themselves a nuisance. If you run a business in a downtown area, near water, or other areas, you may have seen numerous birds hovering around your garbage, nesting around your building and creating problems for customers. If have been in a major city, you have seen what a nuisance birds like pigeons can become with their droppings.
Birds nesting or leaving behind their droppings can cost your business money. Bird droppings carry disease and they can make walkways slippery and dangerous to walk down. This opens up your business to potential litigation, among other problems.
Which nuisance birds are the biggest problems on the West Coast? Here are five pest birds you might experience. Western Exterminator provides you that information and if you think your business could use some help getting rid of pest birds and preventing them from returning, contact your local Western Exterminator office today.
Pigeons are found in just about every major city around the world. You often see them clustered together in large groupings, slowly walking around looking for food. These days, most people have some idea of the nuisance pigeons can be.
The problem with pigeons is that they are a bit of a mess, leaving droppings everywhere and congregating around businesses in such large numbers. A pigeon infestation can leave entire areas of pavement, cars, picnic tables, even surrounding plants get covered in their droppings. Pigeon droppings carry bacteria which can cause harm to humans. Also, their droppings are slippery, making it easy for someone walking around a building to fall and hurt themselves. Plus, bird droppings can dry, become powdery and then get blown into the air leading to respiratory issues. Furthermore, pigeons are known to carry parasites like ticks and fleas which also carry health risks.
Pigeons like to build their nests around buildings and they often go foraging for food in areas where there are people. Just feeding one pigeon will often lead to dozens more showing up looking for food. Pigeons can be found in warehouses, feed mills or grain elevators, too.
In states like California, Oregon and Washington, where there is an ocean nearby, seagulls are omnipresent. They are constantly wheeling around overhead, looking for food, and they are not picky about what they are willing to eat, either.
Seagulls not only make a horrendous mess, leaving droppings everywhere and gleefully tearing apart garbage bags and strewing garbage everywhere, but they can also become possessive and territorial about their food source. Seagulls have been known to “dive-bomb” people who just happen to be walking by their food.
For businesses like restaurants, bars, and hotels right near large bodies of water, seagulls can be a serious problem. Seagulls feel no compunction about swooping out of the sky and trying to snatch food right out of the hands of paying patrons of your establishment. This can lead to customer complaints and bad press from those leaving reviews.
Starlings are shiny black in color and relatively small birds, but they are found all over North America and other areas around the world. Often see during certain times of the year flying in amazing, twisting, turning, undulating formations in the sky, starlings often flock together in such large numbers which can cause problems and what turns them from pleasant natural bird-watching subjects into pests.
Starlings create a mess when they flock together in such large numbers. Droppings from starlings can be just as destructive to property and slippery as those from pigeons. Plus, starlings are known to build nests in nearly any hole or crack they can find in homes or other structures. This can lead to fire hazards or increased damage as they build their nests, cramming the smallest of cracks in a wall or roof with nesting materials. Finally, starlings often congregate in such large numbers they create a terrible racket, which can be a pain for anyone nearby trying to enjoy some peace and quiet.
One of the pesky traits of starlings is their tendency to fly away during colder winter months but then come right back to previous nesting sites later on. Just as you might think the problem has been resolved and the birds are gone, they can come back and destroy any repairs that have been made.
Sparrows are such common birds, you may not think of them as pests at all. However, sparrows are tenacious and have adapted so well to living in urban areas and right next to homes and commercial properties, they use man-made materials to build their nests. This includes building nests in cracks in the roof, stopping up gutters and filling them with nesting materials, holes in walls, dryer vents and other areas where you probably do not want potentially flammable materials to end up.
Sparrows will widen holes in walls and rooftops. They will build nests out of sticks and any other material they can get their beaks on. This includes paper and other materials which, if left in dryer vents or other areas, can create a fire hazard.
Sparrows can create property damage which can end up costing property owners a lot of money in repairs. Deterring them from finding your property appealing to build their nests will save you time and money.
You have probably heard of scarecrows, right? The reason farmers used to put these humanoid objects in their fields for the purpose of scaring off crows. This is because crows are known to be destructive to crops and agricultural businesses such as farms growing corn. Crows are known to flock to areas like this and feast upon the corn or other crops that are grown in the field.
When it comes to urban areas, crows are not quite as bad as some of the other birds mentioned, but they will guard their nests. They are fairly good sized birds and have been known to swoop down and peck at those passing too close to their nests or the baby crows within.
The biggest concern related to crows is for farms, vineyards and other agricultural businesses. This includes grain silos and warehouses that store crops, too. An infestation of crows can lead to lost inventory.
The best way to make sure birds do not become a pest for your home or business is to make your property as unattractive to them as possible. Birds are always looking for nooks and crannies in which to nest and they are always looking for food. Depending on the nature of your business and where your property is located, some of the things you can do to deter birds include:
Lock up garbage. Birds will gladly pick over anything you throw away, particularly seagulls. Make sure your dumpsters are locked down tight, the garbage is locked away inside and that garbage pages are not left out or open.
Lock up food. If you leave food out for any reasons, such as pets, you can be sure birds will also be willing to sample it. Lock up food, too, and keep it out of their reach.
Use bird deterrents. There are bird spikes, nets and electronic bird deterrents which can make your property undesirable for birds without harming them.
Seal up holes and use covers for vents. If you use screens and covers on chimneys and dryer vents, birds can’t build nests. If you have holes in your roof, get them fixed. This applies to holes in walls and siding, too.
Remove possible nesting sites. There are lots of places around your property, such as with signage, where birds like to nest. Cover them or make sure there is little or no room for birds to nest in.
Western Exterminator specialists are experts in helping commercial and residential properties get rid of birds and prevent pest birds from returning and becoming a problem. Contact your local Western Exterminator office today and have a property inspection done by one of our professionals so we can work out a solution that fits your needs.