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The most rodents found in and around homes in Arizona are pack rats, mice, and roof rats. While these rodents vary in size and nesting habits, they all share the ability to cause damage to the home and spread disease as they rummage. These rodents will often gnaw on important elements of the home, such as electric wiring and pipes. The majority of these Arizona rodents are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night and sleep in their nests during the day. This can make it more difficult for homeowners to identify a rodent infestation.
Arizona homeowners who suspect that their home has fallen victim to household rodents should contact a pest control professional as soon as possible. Extermination is especially important for homes with children, as a home with rodents will often provide several opportunities for rodents to transmit life-threatening diseases like Hanta Virus, Salmonella, tapeworms, and rat-bite fever, among others. Call Western Exterminator at 800-937-8398 or contact us online if you have a feeling that your home or business has a rodent infestation problem.
The pack rat, also called a wood rat, is most common in central Arizona desert areas. Central Arizona houses three main types of pack rat: the Mexican pack rat, Whitethroat pack rat, and Stephen’s pack rat. Unlike many types of rat, the pack rat has fur covering its tail. This furry tail, along with white feet and white underbelly, are often used to identify the pack rat. They are larger, measuring roughly six to eight inches long. These rats can be hazardous to human health due to the layers of urine and feces that line their storage and communal living areas.
The house mouse depends on humans for food and shelter. As a result, the house mouse can be quite common in Arizona houses and outbuildings. These mice are smaller in size than rats, which can help to make them more easily identifiable. A typical house mouse dawns a musty gray coat and an off-white underbelly. Despite eating roughly one-tenth of an ounce of food per day, the average house mouse can produce 50 droppings per day. This is a common cause of contamination in products stored around the homes they inhabit.
Deer mice can carry hantavirus, which is mainly spread by inhaling dust particles that are tainted by feces, urine or saliva of deer mice that are infected. They use places such as cavities in trees and animal burrows for nests outdoors, and use locations such as storage boxes and drawers of cabinets indoors. Deer mice are located in rural spots.
The roof rat is also referred to as a black rat for its characteristic black or dark brown color. The roof rat is well-known for its long, hairless tail that measures longer than its entire body. When measured with its tail, a roof rat may be up to 18 inches long. They earn the name roof rat because of their tendency to nest in upper levels of the home, such as the attic or ceiling. In nature, they nest in trees, debris, woodpiles, and dense vegetation. They most commonly enter homes by walking along electric wires or tree limbs adjacent to the roof and attic.
You certainly don't want rodent pests on your property. Reach out to Western Exterminator today for rodent pest control that works.