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Scorpion stings

People are generally terrified of scorpions. Thanks to their rather intimidating appearance and the fact movies and TV shows make them out to be fearsome pests, scorpions have a very fierce reputation. People are very afraid of scorpion stings, perhaps even more than bee stings or wasp stings. However, a lot of what people fear regarding scorpions is irrational. Scorpions are not actively seeking to sting people and the vast majority of them do not pose a threat to humans. However, Arizona and North America just happen to home to one of the more venomous scorpions around - the Arizona bark scorpion.

At Western Exterminator, we are the experts in scorpion control and prevention. Here is helpful information about scorpion stings and what you need to know about them.

If you have been seeing a lot of scorpions around your home or property, then contact your local Western Exterminator office today.


Why do scorpions sting?

Scorpions do not want to sting people. They are looking to sting prey, but even then, they may not deliver venom via their stinger. Scorpions only have a finite amount of venom within their system and they choose to prefer to use it for specific purposes. If their prey is small enough, they can use their claws to grab it and tear it apart to eat it. However, to paralyze larger prey, they will lunge their tail forward and sting their prey to immobilize it and then eat it.

As for when scorpions sting humans or other threats, they do so to deter being eaten or injured themselves. The sting of a scorpion can be very painful and it is usually enough to cause any potential predator to back off and leave them alone.

If a human tries to handle a scorpion, they are going to perceive this is a threat and potentially deliver a sting. The best bet when seeing a scorpion is to try and leave it alone and not handle it yourself.

Scorpions do not want to sting people, but they will if they are threatened. They do so to deter anyone from handling them or potentially injuring them.


Preventing scorpion stings

The best bet to deal with scorpion stings is not to get stung at all. Scorpions want to avoid people as much as possible, but sometimes they end up inside homes and crawling along walls outside homes, too. Making sure the house is sealed up and there is no way for scorpions to crawl inside is the best way to avoid being stung in your home. Checking clothing and shoes before putting them on in scorpion heavy areas is important, too.

Of course, Western Exterminator is the local expert in scorpion removal, prevention and treatments. If you have been seeing scorpions around your home or on your property, don't risk being stung, contact your local Western Exterminator office today!

Scorpion sting symptoms

If you are stung by a scorpion, you will most likely feel the sting. It is very similar to that of a bee sting and will be an intense sharp pain. After that, some of the symptoms of a scorpion sting include:

  • Intense pain around the sting site
  • Tingling or a numbness centered around the sting site
  • Swelling around the spot where you were stung

For most people, if they keep the wound clean and bandage it to prevent any kind of infection, the above  symptoms will be the extent of what they feel. However, since scorpions may inject venom, or people may have an allergic reaction to the stings, some of the additional symptoms of a scorpion sting include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Muscle spasms
  • Drooling
  • Vomiting or intense nausea
  • Fever
  • Heart palpitations or increased blood pressure
  • Strange movements of the head or neck
  • Sudden crying or restlessness - most often seen in children

Scorpion sting treatment

If you are stung by a scorpion, it is best to try and seek medical attention. If you can give information about the scorpion or even bring it with you in a container of some kind (even if it's dead), the doctors can provide a more effective treatment.

Arizona bark scorpion stings

There are a few species of scorpion in the United States. Most of them are small and very few pose a real threat to people. There is one exception and it's one of types of scorpion found in the state of Arizona and it's known as the Arizona bark scorpion.

Arizona bark scorpions are yellowish/tan in color and not very big. Some  may have stripes along their back, too. Arizona bark scorpions are long and have a very long, skinny, tail and have relatively small, narrow, claws and this sets them apart from other kinds of scorpions.

Arizona bark scorpions are fond of trees, which is how they got their name. They are one of the more venomous scorpions on the planet and easily the most venomous in North America. That means being stung by an Arizona bark scorpion carries a potential health risk. This is especially true for someone who has a compromised immune system, the elderly or children.

Difficulty breathing and intense pain and swelling around the sting area are the most common symptoms. Hopefully, you will be able to see the scorpion itself and even capture it. Seek medical attention immediately if you think there's even a chance you have been stung by an Arizona bark scorpion.

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