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There are many different spider species that can be found in Arizona. Most spiders are venomous and quite a few species are known to bite humans. Spider bites may cause allergic reactions and localized swelling that may vary from person to person. However, there are only two types of Arizona spiders that typically cause serious harm to humans. Identifying these spiders and taking precautions to prevent infestations may help to avoid harmful bites.
If you have too many spiders around your home or property, there may be a reason for it. Contact Western Exterminator to help get rid of spiders and prevent spiders from coming back.
The Arizona brown spider is a relative of the brown recluse spider. Arizona brown spiders are tan to dark brown and small, approximately one-third of an inch through the body with legs that span one to one and a half inches. The spiders are distinguishable by the violin shape on the cephalothorax. The violin shape points away from the head. Arizona brown spiders also have prominent pedipalpi, which are antennae-like protrusions near the head.
These spiders are not aggressive to humans, and will only bite if threatened. The venom that Arizona brown spiders release causes similar symptoms to that of the brown recluse spider. The bite causes necrosis, which is the premature death of skin cells in the area of the bite. Arizona brown spider venom may also cause renal failure, in some cases. If bitten, a small red lesion will appear which will spread and worsen without treatment. It is important to seek medical treatment, as antibiotics may be required to prevent infection.
Closets, storerooms, debris piles, and other hidden areas may harbor Arizona brown spiders. These spiders do not spin webs, which may help to distinguish Arizona brown spiders from many common spiders that are not poisonous. To prevent infestation, debris and clutter should be cleared both inside and outside of the home. A pest prevention spray will also keep Arizona brown spiders at bay.
Female black widows are typically about one and half-inch long, with rounded abdomens. Female black widows are black with a red hourglass shape on the abdomen. Male black widows are smaller, with red or pink spots on the back. Black widow legs are smooth and coated with an oily substance to prevent sticking to the webs.
Only female black widow spiders are venomous. Black widow venom is extremely strong, but black widows typically only inject a small amount of the venom into a victim when threatened. Bites will produce a small red mark that will broaden into a target-shaped lesion. Muscle weakness, nausea, pain, and labored breathing may come after the bite and stay for a few days. Bites may be fatal to some victims, especially children or elderly individuals. Antivenom may help to mitigate damage and prevent death.
Black widows spin large, irregularly shaped webs. They typically hang out outdoors in trees but may migrate to dark areas such as closets or garages if you don't take precautions. Professional pest exterminators can help to eliminate black widow infestations and prevent black widows from nesting in homes and yards.
Western Exterminator specialists in Arizona can help get rid of the spiders listed above and any other spiders that are causing you problems. A Western Exterminator spider control specialist can find where they are getting in, why they are there, remove the existing spider infestation and create a method to prevent a return.
Contact Western Exterminator and set up an appointment with one of our specialists today.